Friday, May 22, 2009

Torchwood - Children of The Earth... Series 3... NEWS UPDATE!

Torchwood returns this summer, most likely in late June or early July. It will be filmed in HD, and shown on BBC 1 and BBC HD. The show will later be available on Blu-Ray & DVD, along with Series 1 & 2, which will be re-released.

Had a very detailed chat with BBC Commissioning guys in Cardiff and London tonight - great thing to do when stuck on the M4 in murderous traffic on the way home after work.

A couple of mysteries solved... Firstly, the reduction of episodes from 13 down to 5 was actually at Torchwood's request. Partly, there was need for a holiday, (coinciding with Doctor Who's 2009 downtime - both shows share a large number of production staff) - but mostly, as it was felt that a big-bang, all action, hard-hitting single story would have maximum impact, and would turbo charge the Torchwood brand big time. Producers & the Team really wanted a fast, pacey, detailed story in which lots could happen & characters could develop, rather than a longer series of largely unconnected shows.

I'm told Torchwood, Series 3, 'Children of the Earth' really does hit the high notes. A terrifying plot in which the Earth really is in imminent, mortal threat from an unknown attacker. The show will be seen every night at 9pm over one week, with some of the most shocking, nail-biting cliff hangers ever shown on TV in Wales & the UK. The show will be 'compelling beyond belief' - and we'll see the characters in a different light as the story progresses.

Screening has been delayed, originally it was due to air early spring. However, the production team were not happy with the original cut, and it's gone back to The Mill for a re-working, plus some recent re-shoots in Penarth, attended by yours' truly.

It's due to be finished soon, and will be on out screens 'within three weeks' of finalization. I'll keep uoi posted!

Rumors on the Internet are that the Torchwood Hub (home of TorchwoodCF) will be destroyed completely during Part 1 of this 5 part story. This is true. However, I'm told that 'normality will be revealed' and 'all will make sense' by the conclusion to the story. I understand from that that the Hub will be somehow restored.

Captain Jack, Gwen Cooper & Ianto will star in the story, but I got a tight lipped silence when I asked about Owen Harper. Owen 'died' in Series 2, but was brought back to a 'living death' by some kind of alien energy force from a mysterious glove. He then 'died' again by being vaporized within a nuclear reactor. I was given a pretty broad hint that he would reappear, but perhaps not in all of the 5 parts to the story.

Finally, and most importantly, there are STACKS of rumors & stories suggesting that the BBC plans to kill off Torchwood after Series 3. I'm assured by my BBC 'sources' that this is totally untrue. Series 1 & 2 were highly succesful, and a fantastic amount of money has been ploughed into making Series 3 'absolutely stunning', and a 'flagship show' for BBC 1.

DVD sales in Wales, the UK and globally are said to be awesome, and far stronger than expected. In fact, Series 1 was releases on Blu-Ray in response to massive international demand.

Though series 4 has not yet been commissioned, this is not unusual. BBC rarely re-commissions new series / stories until past series have aired, and viewer response has been measured. I was left in no doubt that Series 3 would be an absolute stunner, and there was a 'full expectation' that this would lead to future shows!

Just to conclude, all of the information above comes directly from BBC Wales Drama in Cardiff, and BBC Commissioning in London & Cardiff, and none of it is blind speculation. TorchwoodCF will keep you updated on any further news.. as I hear it!


John Barrowman will reprise his role as the pan-sexual Captain Jack Harkness, and Eve Myles re-appears as spirited valleys ex-cop, Gwen Cooper. As ever, Ianto remains Jack's eye candy & true love interest.

Take care,
Chris @ Torchwood CF

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