Friday, December 18, 2009

RIP The 10th Doctor. A loss to BBC Cymru, Wales & maybe to Tennant.

Seen the new BBC Cymru/Wales Xmas logo ID?

The Doctor returns to the Tardis, to find it almost completely covered in snow. He looks around and spots reindeer. He raises an eyebrow & looks knowingly to camera.

In the next shot, the reindeer are harnessed to the Tardis, and David's leading them into the heavens as the Tardis is freed. David, the reindeer & the free Tardis then ride round & circle the BBC Cymru/Wales logo, as the next program is introduced whilst Xmas music plays. It's very impressive.

Still very sad to be losing the Tenth Doctor. I love David, and think he'll not be beaten> I'd not like to be in Matt's shoes, though I have seen him wearing Converse in-role, and at least that's sexy. David should have stuck it out for a couple more seasons, after all - Doctor Who & BBC Cymru/Wales have made him, and shaped his career forever.

RIP David Tennant's 10th Doctor. The End of time - part 1 - Christmas Eve, 6pm on BBC Cymru/Wales, BBC 1 and in hi def on BBC HD. Watch... and cry.


Doctor Who: The end of time. Christmas eve, 6pm, BBC1W & BBC HD.

The TARDIS will be completely destroyed during this Christmas's Doctor Who two-part special. 

David Tennant's Doctor dies in mortal combat with The Master, played by the marvelous John Simm, now with blond hair. A new TARDIS regenerates, looks the same outside, but is new - and massive on the inside. It takes up all of the set previously occupied the Torchwood Hub in Upper Boat.

But where does it get its regeneration energy from? Could it be provided by Captain Jack, originally made immortal by vortex plasma from the TARDIS? 

Does Jack sacrifice himself to save the Universe? 

John Barrowman has said Jack's back in the new Torchwood Series 4, said to be filming from January, but could this be a bluff? Has Russell T. Davies decided to finish Jack off, to make way for a brand new Torchwood cast

Jack's death, though unpalatable, makes sense - after all, he was made immortal when Rose Tyler brought him back to life after he was exterminated by a Dalek. She used energy from the Tardis's time vortex to resurrect him. This would be the perfect form of energy to restore a 'dying' Tardis... but would it cost Jack his immortality - and his life?

Watch... see... weep!

Series 4! Torchwood!

BBC Cymru / Wales has given the go ahead for a new, full-series of Torchwood, to be filmed during 2010, though no schedule as yet exists.

The series will consist of 13 episodes, and will be broadcast on BBC1 & BBC HD and will star John Barrowman, who has also confirmed he's looking forward to reprising his role as immortal, bi-sexual time traveler, Captain Jack Harkness.

Details are very sketchy at this stage, but it's suspected there'll be a new base for Torchwood, possibly not in Cardiff, though filming will actually take place in the city. Eve Myles is said to be 'ready to return' as Gwen Cooper, though other casting & availabilities of actors is said to be at a very early stage.

Russell T. Davies had earlier said that Series 4 was 'pretty well written and ready to go', and that he was waiting for the green light from Cardiff before production planning was started.

More details later!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


But no fear... more updates to follow soon!