Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The good old UK!

I'm getting totally fed up with the UK, and living here.

The country is on a downwards spiral, and we're fast becoming a near-fascist state, where everything is illegal, and everyone is a suspect, and is watched, accordingly.

We live in the country with the biggest number of CCTV cameras, with people able to be followed 24/7.

Soon, our cars will be fitted with satellite tracking devices, officially for road pricing, but in reality, so that we can be tracked & spied upon.

ID cards, if they come in, will carry a 'proximity chip', which can be scanned from a distance of 400 meters. Another state spy keeping tabs on us.

The weather's crap - and we get no decent summers at all. This year has been a washout - no two good days together, lots of rain and just miserable coldness. Experts say that this will continue, ironically, as part of 'climate change'.

Prices are going up and up - yet wages stay the same. We're all getting poorer by the day, and our currency, the pound gets weaker & weaker, making abroad impossibly expensive. The government says inflation is at 5%, but experts put it at 20%, yet pay rises are less than 2%.

We're 18% poorer each year...There are laws for this, and laws for that - everything is illegal, and everyone is being made a criminal. Over 10,000 new laws have come in in the last ten years, yet there is more crime and life is worse.You can't say anything controversial without breaking a law, and when you vote - even who you vote for is recorded, in case it can be used against you later.

There is no Privacy - even Facebook is trawled by 'agencies' to see if anyone says or writes something of note... Your computer use is logged - and recorded for years, even the digital TV channels you watch are recorded, monitored and stored.There are spy cameras everywhere, and we're watched doing everything.

We all must be criminals - cuz that's what's assumed. We have our photos, fingerprints & DNA taken if we're arrested - or even questioned by the Police - and this is kept FOREVER, even if we're totally innocent. Even if innocent - our details are still kept, and we're still looked at with suspicion.

We can't talk to kids, cuz that'd make us pedos. Some of us are afraid even to be talked to by kids, in case it's taken the wrong way.

Should we really be made to feel like this? We can't take pictures in town, we can't take pictures of people; - cuz that would make us perverts, or terrorists. or whatever other label they want to pin on us.

That's soon to be made illegal, anyway.We can't leave the UK, get on a plane or ferry without ID, and these details are recorded & stored. Our bank transactions all get copied to the Police & IRS, and even what we spend is analysed.

We're taxed to breathe, out hospitals are filthy & full of bugs & medicines aren't supplied to those who need them because they're not 'cost effective'. People come into the country and get benefits galore, and totally preferential treatment, and rights, and concessions - which we have to pay for - yet we get nothing, and are treated as second class people in the country of our ancestors. Is this right - or the road to ruin?

Global warming & terrorism are always the excuse given, but in reality, global Warming is not caused by man, and terrorism, or the threat from it has not changed. We're losing our freedon in the UK.

We're sleep walking into state control, and we're too blind to see it. Soon, like dogs, we'll all be chipped & tagged, unable to move without permission, and afraid to breathe in case we fall foul to the law, the thought police, or those just out to get us.

Time to get out...actively working on a plan... Many of us would be wise to do the same.

Think I'm paranoic? Well, wait & see... lots of things which have happened over the past ten years would one thought never possible, yet they happened!

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